
Tristan and the Pinnacles

Aujourd'hui, Tristan nous a raconté sa randonnée aux Pinnacles. Le week-end dernier, il a grimpé cette montagne située dans le cratère d'un volcan. Au sommet, la vue était vraiment belle.


Learning about the Sun

Learning about the Sun
written and illustrated by

Yesterday Max’s dad came to school and he showed us the Sun on the big T.V.

I looked at the Sun through the big telescope and I saw the real sun. It was orange. When school was finished my sister Chrystelle said that it was awesome. I liked having him in class. 

I learnt that the sky is really high.

The sun up close

The sun up close
written and illustrated by
Alice Sharpe

I think I learned a lot when Max’s dad came and taught us about the solar system and the sun! First of all he came in with his computer and asked Ms. Dorothy if he could move the TV because the sun was shining in our eyes and I don’t think we would have been able to see. After, when he had put the TV in place Ms. Dorothy made sure that we could all see. I was dying for him to start because I am so interested in the solar system. I was at the very back so I got to sit on a chair.

Then he finally started. The first thing he did was introduce himself. He told us his name was Jon. Then he started with the sun. The first thing he told us about was how big the sun is compared to the earth and this is how big it is; it’s four hundred earths around and 100 earths wide which is very, very big compared to the earth. You do realise that the sun is just a huge ball of fire that flares.

Afterwards Jon told us about sun spots. So this is what happens; a ball of fire shoots out and it creates a sunspot. It looked like a strange sunflower. After that he told us about the life cycle of the sun which is very, very interesting. What happens is a lot of gases come together and swirl around and around and get bigger and bigger. When it gets too big and too hot it explodes and the same with all other stars.

Finally, he let us do the part we had all been waiting for, the telescope. I was the most excited in the world to look through the telescope and see the sun up close! It was quite boring that day. It only had a few sunspots, but I liked it.

I think that it is great that Max is in our class because Jon keeps on teaching Max and Max keeps on teaching us.

Max’s dad’s visit

Max’s dad’s visit
written and illustrated by
Loane Chauvineau

This week Max’s dad came to our school. “Yay, Max’s dad is here”, I said.

First Max’s dad showed us pictures of the sun. He showed us a black spot. It looked like a sunflower on the sun.

Secondly he showed us a piece of paper and a marble. The marble was the sun and the piece of paper was the earth. He showed us the life cycle of a star. I felt worried when I thought about the sun exploding.

After that we looked through the telescope. There were four sunspots on the sun. Room 13 came to see in the telescope. Suddenly the bell rang but we still got a chance to see the sun once more. We said goodbye to Max’s dad and Max. We also said thank you. I wish I could see him again.

Max’s dad’s visit

Max’s dad’s visit
written and illustrated by
Loulou Rabier

Max’s dad came to our school to show us how the Sun got made. He brought his big telescope and his laptop.

First he showed us pictures of the Sun. Then he showed us the life cycle of a star.

At the end we looked in the telescope and saw the Sun. The Sun looked like a yellow circle with little spots. They are called sunspots. Ruma 13 looked at the Sun too. I liked looking at the Sun.


Max’s dad’s visit

Max’s dad’s visit
written and illustrated by
Molly Abbott

Yesterday Max’s dad came to our school. He came with a telescope. It was huge. He came because he likes astronomy and we are working on the solar system.

First he showed us different coloured suns. They were different colours because of different coloured lenses. There was a green one, pink one, blue one and a red one. If you wanted to make the size of the sun you would need four hundred earths.

Then he showed us the telescope. It was so big. I was surprised and excited. The telescope showed the sun but on my turn the sun had moved away so I asked Max’s dad to move the telescope for me so I could see it. I was surprised because it was a yellow sun.

After Ruma 13 and the mums lined up because they wanted to have a turn to look through the telescope. It was hard for Ms. Dorothy and me to look through the telescope because we have glasses.

It was fun because I learned a lot.

Max’s dad’s visit

Max’s dad’s visit
written and illustrated by
Olivier Long

Max’s dad came to visit our class. He turned his computer on and plugged it into the big TV.

First we saw this swirly thing, then we saw the sun! Oh, it was bright. We saw a close up of a sunspot. We saw a solar flare. It looked like a magnet.

He showed us how big the sun was. Kayan gave Jon a marble and Jon found a speck of dust. He put them about one metre away from each other. Then he showed us the sun as it was that day. It was a pale colour with little sunspots.

Jon showed us his big telescope . I thought it would be all black but it was all white. I saw one sunspot. I felt really impressed with the telescope. Finally, the bell rang but we kept looking through the telescope.

Max’s dad’s visit

Max’s dad’s visit
written and illustrated by
Sophie Busson

On Thursday afternoon Max’s dad came to our class. He said in the morning that he would bring his telescope in the afternoon.
After arts rotation he came. I said, “Yay, arts rotation is finished. Now Max’s dad is coming. Yay!”

First he came in with his laptop and he set up the TV. Then he was ready and he showed us the sun and how small the earth is. On the screen he showed us the sun. It was shining in my eyes. He said that it is one hundred earths across and four hundred earths around.

Then he showed us a sunspot and a flame on the outside of the sun. The flame is like a magnet. It is called a solar flare. The sunspot looked like a sunflower. It was amazing and really big and it looked strange.

The most interesting part was when we looked in the telescope. It was the sun we looked at and it wasn’t bright like I thought. The sun had little spots on it and I saw orange.

I learned a lot and it was interesting and fun. I was glad that he brought his big telescope. I learned so much from Jon.   


My dad’s visit

My dad’s visit
written and illustrated by
Max Tunnicliffe

My dad came to school. It was because my dad has a telescope and we are studying space.

First he made a powerpoint and showed us facts about the sun. He showed us a picture of a sunspot. It looked like the eye of Mordor.

He took a marble and a speck of dust. He said the sun was the marble and the speck of dust the earth. Then he asked, “How far would be the closest star, other than the sun?” So do you think that’s amazing? 
I don’t. Stars are very far apart.

Then we looked in the telescope! It was so much fun. The telescope was kind of boring because there weren’t many sunspots and no solar flares.

I liked having my dad at school. I asked him if I could do a powerpoint of my own.

The sun up close

The sun up close
written and illustrated by
Oceane Anfosso

Max’s dad came to our class and talked about the sun.

He showed us some pictures about the sun and he told us how many earths we had to have to make a sun. We need 100 to go across and to go around is 400. I thought that it was impossible.

He brought his telescope so we could look at the sun. I was really excited. He put on a solar filter to look at the sun. The sun had mini spots. They are called sunspots. It was amazing. The sunspot looked like an orange and red sunflower.

Max’s dad said, “A star can be recycled.” I thought that was impossible. Can you imagine that? Did you know that...a star can be recycled? 

Max's dad's visit

Max’s dad’s visit
written and illustrated by
Sophia Crosswell

Max’s dad came for a visit to talk to us about the sun. I was super excited. I jumped up and down.

Was it interesting? Yes, yes, yes of course!

I felt like an astronaut looking at the sun. The sun looked scary. Something else we did with Max’s dad was he told us about different lenses for looking at the sun. I liked all the different colours. There were normal ones, blue ones, pink and purple.

Finally I would like to say that Max’s dad’s visit was the best thing on earth.

The sun up close

The sun up close
written and illustrated by
Tristan Hoskings

Max’s dad came for a visit. He told us a lot about the sun. First he introduced himself. He said, “Hi, my name is Jon,” and we all said, “Good afternoon, Jon!”

He plugged in his computer to the Apple TV. He showed us some pictures of the sun. He said that the sun is one hundred earths across and four hundred earths around. One of the pictures showed us what the sun was like that day.

Then he showed us the life cycle of a star. First lots of gas comes together then it turns into a white dwarf. After it turns into a red giant and it explodes and starts all over again.

Then he showed us how far our nearest star would be. After he took us outside to look at the sun. The sun was amazing.

I liked having Max’s dad at school and I hope he will come again.

Max's dad's visit

Topic study term 2 “Our star the Sun and the Solar System”
Max’s Dad is a keen amateur astronomer. He came with a PowerPoint presentation about the Sun and also brought his telescope. We took turns to look at the sun.



Alice: Au plus haut du monde

Pendant le week-end je suis allée à l'anniversaire de Max à 'Clip & Climb' et on a grimpé au plus haut du monde!

Les préparatifs de securité

Premièrement, quand nous avons tous compris ce qu'il fallait faire, j'ai essayé de mettre mes chaussons d'escalade, mais ils étaient vraiment serrés. Alors, une dame du personnel s'est proposée de m'aider, mais c'etait trop serré et même elle ne pouvait pas le faire. J'étais coincée! Alors, elle m'a laissée essayer une autre paire qui était beaucoup plus facile à mettre et beaucoup plus comfortable. Ils étaient très douillets et je les aimais tellement que je voulais les garder pour toujours. Quand je les ai mis j'ai dit: "Ahhh, beaucoup mieux!"

Grimper, grimper, grimper!

Plus tard, quand j'ai enfin commencé à grimper, mon premier but c'était d'attraper des petites boîtes colorées. J'ai grimpé en m'appuyant sur celles-ci et ce jusqu'en haut. Là, il y avait un bouton que j'ai pressé et j'ai gagné des points. Ma chose préférée c'était celle où il y avait quelque chose que tu tenais dans ta main* et tu allais très haut. Et quand tu dis: "Arrête!" ça arrête et tu glisses !

En conclusion, 

J'aime bien grimper parce que c'est comme un jeu qui donne de la force à mon corps. Voilà pourquoi j'adore 'Clip & Climb' !
* un mousqueton


Objectif Zéro Déchets

The following slideshow is a compilation of four topics:
  • Zero waste lunches
  • Mini worm farm
  • Mini landfill
  • Social Studies/ Technology Evalutaion


La fête du Canada

Canada Day

Le 1er juillet, le 146ème anniversaire du Canada

Bonne fête, Max et Krystel!

Aujourd'hui nous avons pris part dans la fête 'Celebrez le Canada' afin de découvrir et apprécier la diversité de la 
société canadienne. Max nous a montré son amour pour 
le Canada et sa fierté d'être canadien en partageant 
avec nous ces bons biscuits en forme de feuille d'érable. 
Regardez-le dans son magnifique T-shirt aux couleurs 
et symboles canadiens!

La joie de goûter ces délicieux gâteaux!