The sun up
written and
illustrated by
I think I learned a lot when Max’s
dad came and taught us about the solar system and the sun! First of all he came
in with his computer and asked Ms. Dorothy if he could move the TV because the
sun was shining in our eyes and I don’t think we would have been able to see.
After, when he had put the TV in place Ms. Dorothy made sure that we could all
see. I was dying for him to start because I am so interested in the solar
system. I was at the very back so I got to sit on a chair.
Then he finally started. The first
thing he did was introduce himself. He told us his name was Jon. Then he
started with the sun. The first thing he told us about was how big the sun is
compared to the earth and this is how big it is; it’s four hundred earths
around and 100 earths wide which is very, very big compared to the earth. You
do realise that the sun is just a huge ball of fire that flares.
Afterwards Jon told us about sun
spots. So this is what happens; a ball of fire shoots out and it creates a
sunspot. It looked like a strange sunflower. After that he told us about the
life cycle of the sun which is very, very interesting. What happens is a lot of
gases come together and swirl around and around and get bigger and bigger. When
it gets too big and too hot it explodes and the same with all other stars.
Finally, he let us do the part we had
all been waiting for, the telescope. I was the most excited in the world to
look through the telescope and see the sun up close! It was quite boring that
day. It only had a few sunspots, but I liked it.
I think that it is great that
Max is in our class because Jon keeps on teaching Max and Max keeps on teaching
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