Max’s dad’s
written and
illustrated by
Yesterday Max’s dad came to our
school. He came with a telescope. It was huge. He came because he likes
astronomy and we are working on the solar system.
First he showed us different coloured
suns. They were different colours because of different coloured lenses. There
was a green one, pink one, blue one and a red one. If you wanted to make the
size of the sun you would need four hundred earths.
Then he showed us the telescope. It
was so big. I was surprised and excited. The telescope showed the sun but on my
turn the sun had moved away so I asked Max’s dad to move the telescope for me
so I could see it. I was surprised because it was a yellow sun.
After Ruma 13 and the mums lined up
because they wanted to have a turn to look through the telescope. It was hard
for Ms. Dorothy and me to look through the telescope because we have glasses.
It was fun because I learned a lot.
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